понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

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Gregapos;s to-do list for me by next Monday:

-- Make a list of everything positive about myself (characteristics, talents, and other attributes).

-- Write a letter to my child-self, telling her how I feel about who I am and where am I in comparison to where she is.

-- Write a letter as my child-self to who I am now in reaction to what my now-self has to say to her.


Oh, and p.s.: Thanks for caring you fuckers.

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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

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Oi. What a weekend.

Update on the dental stuff: Originally, the only appointment I could get for a teeth cleaning was in November, but, after spending the night sans molded bridge only to discover the gap felt a bit tighter the next day, I called the prosthodontist and basically said "Look, we gotta do this sooner". Like magic, the tooth cleaning dentistapos;s office called me and said they have an opening tomorrow, and the prosthodontist turned up an early morning opening on Thursday to re-cement the bridge.

Huzzah for successfully putting a rush on things (to clarify, it really did feel like my teeth were starting to close together). At least this whole absurd farce will be over this week instead of next month.

Anyway, went back to visit Les Olds this weekend because Le Boyfriend, ironically, had a dentist appointment of his own -- I rode along just apos;cause I felt rather homesick. As it turns out, I didnapos;t get to see much of Les Olds; went to visit Cricket on Friday night, then to hang out with an old friend of Le Boyfriendapos;s on Saturday night, and then Les Olds were both gone all day on Sunday doing various errands. Ah well, at least Iapos;m coming back on Halloween weekend for further DD action and to visit Le Sibling.

Ooh And it turns out my lead on a much closer showing of Repo is indeed going to pan out. Le Boyfriend and I are making a 4 hour road trip to catch the opening showing on November 7th :D

Meanwhile, back to work. I have two papers and a lab due this week, as well as a test on Wednesday. On the bright side, Iapos;m pretty much free and easy until midterms after that, plus the papers are going much faster than I expected.


Quote of the day:

"Read in order to live..." -- Henry Fielding


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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

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Going to see Hanson tonight Yay lol. Iapos;m excited because Hanson always put on a really good show. Only thing that sux is that we have to drive even further then usual. The last shows we didnapos;t even have to drive cause the concerts were right in Boston and we just took the train, but since they tore down that club the concert is aaaaaallllll the way out in Foxboro. The venue is like part of the where the Patriots play.

The other thing that sux is that I wonapos;t get to see the game tonight. Hopefully though the Sox will stay alive tonight and thereapos;ll be a game seven, which I will get to watch if it happens. *crosses fingers*

Vanessa and I went to the mall last night so I could pay my VS bill and we both ended up getting Twilight shirts at Hot Topic. Lol. I got the Team Jacob one and she got the Edward/Bella one.

Iapos;ve gotta figure out what Iapos;m gonna dress up as for halloween cause apparently Eric is having a party.

Gotta send out Graceapos;s birthday present this week ^_^
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controversial writings

I missed the LJ�too badly. To hell with colleges, Iapos;ll post as much as I like and whatever I�like, and if they think Iapos;m a crazy psycho person, thatapos;s their problem.

I�got to thinking today.


So, Irsquo;m immersed in the wonder of the stage, and I got to thinking about Julie and My Fair Lady. Irsquo;m listening to her One on One concert from like 1992 or something, and she tells some wonderful stories about working on Broadway in MFL. It occurred to me that she most likely knows this play by heart to this very day, and subsequently, I realized that, every time she tells us about MFL and also incorporates lines from the playmdash;not necessarily Elizarsquo;s linesmdash;that she jumps immediately into character. Itrsquo;s justhellip; itrsquo;s a huge ldquo;wowrdquo; factor. Itrsquo;s almost as if shersquo;s still working on that play in the back of her mind, still trying to put it down definitively for herselfmdash;because she loved it that much. Juliersquo;s not going to dwell on things that mean nothing to hermdash;that much is evident from her lifemdash;and when you realize that her body of work could also encompass that, itrsquo;s just rather mind-blowing.

Julie tells us that she accepted Warnerrsquo;s choice to cast Audrey in place of Julie for the film at the time without much of a fight. She also tells us that in hindsight, she almost regrets not having done MFL on film because she never got the chance to ldquo;put the role down definitively.rdquo; In one way, Irsquo;ve always understood what she meant when she said that, but in another, it left me somewhat confused. Wouldnrsquo;t doing the role of Eliza Doolittle for three and a half years in New York and London really acquaint her to an intimate level with the character she was working with? The thing that sort of backstabs that thought, though, is that Julie says she never truly thought she nailed the Cockney, and in retrospect, the charactermdash;at least not the extent that she would have liked. Why is this? Most people really do get to know their characters so well, to the point of lifetime attachment in some cases (think Charmian Carr versus Liesl von Trapp). Perhaps part of the answer is that Julie is a professional one hundred and ten percent of the time, as well as a perfectionist. But I think the real answer lies within Eliza Doolittle herself.

To some people, Eliza is just black and whitemdash;shersquo;s either this or that, or she is not. In reality, Eliza literally is just black and white, as well as read all over. Her existence is two-dimensional on paper. It was Juliersquo;s job to read into her and bring her to life. That is probably the most difficult aspect of actingmdash;at least with material as brilliant as MFL. So therefore, to othersmdash;because of Juliersquo;s interpretation of hermdash;shersquo;s very much alive and vibrant. In truth, Eliza Doolittle wins above any other of Juliersquo;s work for me, despite having never seen her do the job of acting her out, except for the occasional reenactments over the past fifty years. Eliza comes alive just when Julie mentions her name, and thus, Irsquo;d like to draw out some comparisons between the Eliza of AJL/Julie Andrews and the Eliza of Jack Warner/Audrey Hepburn. I have also read Pygmalion and MFL several times, and it is there that the differences screamed out at me and it really started to hit me. Yes, I admit, Irsquo;ve only watched the film about three timesmdash;it depresses the hell out of me.

Irsquo;m going to start with Jack and Audrey, simply because I noticed that Jackrsquo;s aim with Eliza was strikingly different to Juliersquo;s. Jack was actually aiming for the ldquo;realrdquo; Eliza, the one created in Shawrsquo;s Pygmalion. Shawrsquo;s Eliza has a strong basis, but in the end, she wilts down to just another weepy female, the exact kind of female that Henry despises. I find that ironic though, because Pygmalion was based from the Roman myth of Pygmalion and Galatea, and Pygmalion actually does marry Galatea after appeal to Venus to make her a living being and not just his model of the perfect woman. Shawrsquo;s Eliza has a fire to her personality, but shersquo;s more prone to whine, scream, and cry under instruction and rebuke from menmdash;naturally the stereotypical view of women at the time that Shaw wrote Pygmalion. Yet in the midst of that shortcoming, Eliza still manages to walk away with the prize of Freddy, who is more of a sap than she is, so that gives Pygmalion its overall successful appealmdash;Eliza goes through crap, and in the end, walks away with a (merely) ldquo;adequaterdquo; prize as a reward. With Warnerrsquo;s Eliza, he basically takes Pygmalion and My Fair Lady and uses them as bookends to Elizarsquo;s character and story. Pygmalionrsquo;s Eliza is used, but MFLrsquo;s story is used.

People will say that MFL was a huge success, but why doesnrsquo;t anyone know what it is anymore, if it was so amazing? In the long run, to me, success equals lasting impression and legacy. I think it all comes down to the interpretation of Eliza that Audrey was asked to employ. She whines, she screams, she cries, and in the end, she comes back to Henry with her head down and her tail between her legs. There is literally no substance to Eliza Doolittle, the life of the story. MFL was supposed to be a love storymdash;perhaps the greatestmdash;in which the word ldquo;loverdquo; was never spoken. Indeed, that word never was spoken, but when it comes down to the bottom line, Warnerrsquo;s MFL is a huge sob story that leaves the viewer feeling sorry and apprehensive for Eliza, though she is supposed to be in love with Henry. Being in love with someone doesnrsquo;t mean coming back submissively to let him be a tyrant againmdash;it means making your stand and then starting afresh. Irsquo;m afraid that because of the botched interpretation of MFLrsquo;s Eliza, it botched the full potential of the beauty of My Fair Lady as a masterpiece on film.

On the other hand, Irsquo;d like to deal with Lernerrsquo;s Eliza now. Alan included a note in the script of My Fair Lady that reads, ldquo;I have omitted the sequel because in it, Shaw explains how Eliza ends not with Higgins, but with Freddy andmdash;Shaw and Heaven forgive memdash;I am not certain he is right.rdquo; I tend to agree with him on disagreeing with Shawmdash;Pygmalion is unfulfilling in the light of both real life and the hearts of romantics. It honestly does leave you feeling hopeless. Almost as if you have to despair to the fact that you will never be able to do better than a maniac tyrant that hates women for their natural characteristics and ultimately sees men as the ones with the upper hand at all times. Maybe this is influenced by the fact that both AJL and I are romantics at heart, but I think the crux of the real problem laid within the character of Eliza Doolittle. I say this because throughout Pygmalion and My Fair Lady, all the other characters remain constant, with perhaps a change here or theremdash;Eliza is the only major change.

I think the strong basis accompanied with lack of substance bothered AJL the most, and is probably what led him to restructure Eliza the way he did. He built her up from the established foundation, and Julie brought that to life through her interpretation of Elizarsquo;s structure. Juliersquo;s Eliza Doolittle also possesses a fiery personality, but more goes along with it. The determination, the indignation, the confidence, and the perseverance. She knew what she wanted, and she set out to get it. She got it. She got what she wanted, and she did it in a way that remained true to who she really was. She didnrsquo;t let Henry turn her into a woman that she wasnrsquo;t. As a greater reward, she realized that although Henry was a classic pain in the bloominrsquo; arse, she just couldnrsquo;t do without him. She didnrsquo;t go back to him out of dog-like obligation and devotion, but of her own free choice. She was not guilt-ridden, but heartsick and knowingly so. The defining characteristic of the end of My Fair Lady, the play, is that Eliza established through her entire stay with Henry and also during their ldquo;fightrdquo; (Without You) that she would not let him rule over her. He could instruct her and help her to become a better Eliza, but he couldnrsquo;t ever change her into the model of his perfect woman. That is precisely what makes Eliza Henryrsquo;s ldquo;Fair Lady.rdquo; That is what captured the hearts of everyone sitting in front of that stage every time the casts got up to perform it.

The film was identical to the play, with one exception. Eliza Doolittle. That one exception alters the entire view of the story. Itrsquo;s quite scary. In Warnerrsquo;s MFL, Eliza is literally Henryrsquo;s devoted slave. In Lernerrsquo;s, Eliza is her own individual that will stop at nothing to accomplish what she wants. Which is more appealing? Which leaves the lasting impression?

You got it. The play version.

Julie has said that she wasnrsquo;t always so sure that she ever got Eliza down properly. Itrsquo;s a wide-open statement, though, and herersquo;s why: Eliza is the most complex and detailed character I have ever encountered that is actually a human being. Therersquo;s so much room within her structure for interpretation, for alteration, for improvement. Therersquo;s no way Eliza could ever be put down definitively, for her facets are limitless. Any actress who takes her on is trying to fill the biggest shoes out there. I donrsquo;t know for certain, but Juliersquo;s huge sense of responsibility, her passion, her sense of professionalism, and her desire for perfectionism truly helped to pull the talent she had together to form the character of Eliza Doolittle, and shersquo;ll probably be the only person who completely filled Elizarsquo;s shoes perfectly. For Julie didnrsquo;t just take on Eliza to the best of her abilities, she let Eliza grow over the years. Julie grew as an actress.

And if Juliersquo;s said that she understood why she wasnrsquo;t cast for the film, why was she kicking herself later in life for not making a bigger fuss and putting up a fight? I think itrsquo;s because putting a character down on film for the entire world to see means closing the book on Eliza for Julie. Doing the film would have meant her last shot at bringing Eliza to life in the way that she and AJL saw her, and she would have been able to do it as close to her own satisfaction as ever could be possible. She could have really and honestly brought the Cockney flower girl to life in the closest stroke of perfection that she could possibly reach, and that would be the Eliza Doolittle that the world would fall in love with, and the Eliza Doolittle that she wanted to keep alive. Looking back and realizing something like that, wouldnrsquo;t you want to strangle yourself? I wouldmdash;look at the impact Juliersquo;s interpretation of Maria in TSOM had on the world. My Fair Lady is probably one of the best things she was ever a part of, and it honestly wasnrsquo;t done justice on film. Kind of how TSOM wasnrsquo;t done justice on stage but was a roaring success on screen.

I canrsquo;t believe I even understand what Irsquo;m trying to say. Therersquo;s my food for thought for today, and gosh, I hope it made sense.

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Jerusalem---the Old City,

Despite my eagerness to start exploring the city, jet lag got the best of me and I slept through most of the morning. And of course, Arjun doesnapos;t need a reason to sleep in. So, once we got out of the apartment, we set off to the Old City. I tried to dress conservatively as our first stop was the Western Wall, however it is a long walk to the Old City, in the desert heat, with long sleeves on....needless to say, I was a little dehydrated once we got there. My fatigue soon left me the minute we crossed through the Gate into the Old City. It was like I was instanaeously went back in time thousands of years ago. The Old City was made of innummerable narrow, winding streets, made of stone. It was very easy to get lost, which we did a number of times, but after a few wrong turns you find yourself back on a familiar street again. The streets were flanked on either side by small shops, with shop owners trying to entice you with all sorts of Jerusaleum souvenirs, colorful shawls, and intoxicating smells of yummy food. As we wandered through the streets trying to find the Western Wall, I realized that I didnapos;t have anything to cover my head...so I stopped for my first impulse buy of the trip....a shawl for my head, so I could approach the Western Wall. After wandering for a little bit, the street opened up into a huge area and there was the Western Wall before us. It almost seemed unbelievable all the history that had taken place in this area and to be standing in the midst of it all. Fortunately, it was not too crowded and we were able to go right up to the Wall, men separated from women on the left. At the wall, there were those standing right up against it or others sitting on the handful in chairs, everyone silently praying or chanting a prayer outloud to themselves. On the ground, there were many small pieces of paper scattered at the base of the wall...prayers that people had left. It was a very powerful place, even for the non-religious, you felt the strength of peopleapos;s faith.

We sat in the open area for awhile, watching the people from tourists to the orthodox Jewish people, easily spotted by their distinct suits hats. We then headed back into the twists and turns of the Old City to head toward the Muslim district, as above and to the left of the Western Wall, the Dome of the Rock could be seen. As we followed a street toward the Dome of the Rock, there was a small barricade, with some guards sitting by it. They informed us that the Dome was only for Muslims at this time, but that we could come back in the morning when it would be open to the public. As we headed back, my brother told me that he had yet to visit the Dome of the Rock, becuase it had very limited timings that it was open to the public. Iapos;ll have to cross my fingers that Iapos;ll get a chance to visit it before I leave.

We then headed to the third major religious site, the Holy Sepulchre, the site where Christ was crucified, a church had been built over the site. With the 3 of the worldapos;s major religions, coexisting all within the same vicinity, it seemed to be the ultimate area of unity, peace spirituality, in contrast to the areaapos;s violent history.

The Holy Sepulchre, in contrast to many of the Christian churches Iapos;ve seen, was very modest to see on the outside. When you enter, immediately on your right is a steep set of stairs leading to an upper level, where Christ was said to be crucified. Along the walls are paintings, depicting the events of the via Delarosa, which is the final path Jesus walked prior to his crucifixion. There were tons of people all trying to pay their respects. We were fortunate enough to see a congregation of nuns and priests singing, voices rich with devotion, making their way around the church.

By this time, it was starting to get dark, so we headed back home.

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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I did this thing where I said I just wanted to see all the default brushes so I could find one that I�needed for a tut easier - but now, I canapos;t find all my old ones. I�had 100apos;s of others (some are under a category so I can click on them, but otherapos;s arenapos;t, so they arenapos;t accessible.) and was stupid so I didnapos;t actually put them /in/ the PS folder. I simply dragged and dropped them into the program.

So since I said I�wanted to see only default, does that mean that all those other brushes that werenapos;t in a category are gone?�Or can I see them again somehow?

Any help appreciated.

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четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

canuleian law

Hi, folks, your friendly mod here,

Itapos;s been a year (wow, to the day--I didnapos;t plan that) since anyone has posted to this comm. I personally havenapos;t been interested in some time. I was doing a f-list clean up and actually went to remove myself recently, but it seems my ex-co-mod did that before me, so LJ wonapos;t let me leave now. This leaves deletion of the comm, or adding a new maintainer to the comm, my only options to remove myself as a member/maintainer.

I hate to do this, as I know that, at one time, there was a fair little bit of fanfic and fanart here. I donapos;t want to delete it without notice, or delete it at all, really. So Iapos;m offering the comm to someone else. Itapos;s been dead over a year, so I donapos;t expect anyone will actually do anything with it, but if anyone wants to take it just to save it from deletion, let me know by leaving a comment here.

If no one steps up to take the comm by the end of the month, I will delete the comm on/around November 1st. This should be plenty of time for you to back-up anything you had posted to the comm that you might not have had saved to your hard drive. If you donapos;t have it saved, and I delete the comm, itapos;s gone. Iapos;m only really offering this extra time as a courtesy to you all.

canuleian law.