...How long does it take for a catfish to suffocate?
I canapos;t have a garden, but Iapos;m still yearning to provide my own food. Also, if I can eat a fish, then I should be able to man up and clean the damn thing myself. Honestly, I feel that way about chickens, pigs, cows, fruits, veggies- people should really see and feel where their food is coming from.
Unfortunately (fortunately?) Iapos;m really squeamish about harming animals. Even with bugs, I usually catch and release. But I eat fish. I should be able to catch and clean said fish for myself.
So I went out and caught a catfish. And itapos;s still trying to breathe. After offering thanks to the river, Iapos;m feeling better about killing it since it will be used for my own sustenance...but Iapos;m still faced with a hurting creature. Do I bash its head to make it quick? Do I just wait for it to die? Thereapos;s no way I can cut off the head when the gills are still struggling for water. Itapos;s the realization of the fishesapos; pain that makes me question if I should go to vegetarianism rather than pesco-vegetarianism. But honestly, humans are omnivores. Weapos;re a part of the food chain. Fish offer a great source of protein and Omega, especially for someone who doesnapos;t eat any other meat.
...Itapos;s still trying to breathe.
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