I donapos;t know what to think; all of these emotions are inside.
and yet i feel emotionless at the same time.
peaceful and lonely
numb while experiencing 80 different emotions at once- if at least i were cold i might know this place a little better
but yet there is this warmth- i donapos;t get it
or know where it comes from- but it is there, plaguing me into more contradiction.
caring but incapable of caring
feeling but incapable of feeling
this is not a balance of things.
i am a neutral canvas; full of contradiction
wiped clean of my former self.
i am in the state of being- but nothing more
i am.
and so i continue on.
i donapos;t know what else to do.
florida marina sebastian, color minking, color minnesota loon, color minolta pageworks.

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