воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

cat hair poofy

Oi. What a weekend.

Update on the dental stuff: Originally, the only appointment I could get for a teeth cleaning was in November, but, after spending the night sans molded bridge only to discover the gap felt a bit tighter the next day, I called the prosthodontist and basically said "Look, we gotta do this sooner". Like magic, the tooth cleaning dentistapos;s office called me and said they have an opening tomorrow, and the prosthodontist turned up an early morning opening on Thursday to re-cement the bridge.

Huzzah for successfully putting a rush on things (to clarify, it really did feel like my teeth were starting to close together). At least this whole absurd farce will be over this week instead of next month.

Anyway, went back to visit Les Olds this weekend because Le Boyfriend, ironically, had a dentist appointment of his own -- I rode along just apos;cause I felt rather homesick. As it turns out, I didnapos;t get to see much of Les Olds; went to visit Cricket on Friday night, then to hang out with an old friend of Le Boyfriendapos;s on Saturday night, and then Les Olds were both gone all day on Sunday doing various errands. Ah well, at least Iapos;m coming back on Halloween weekend for further DD action and to visit Le Sibling.

Ooh And it turns out my lead on a much closer showing of Repo is indeed going to pan out. Le Boyfriend and I are making a 4 hour road trip to catch the opening showing on November 7th :D

Meanwhile, back to work. I have two papers and a lab due this week, as well as a test on Wednesday. On the bright side, Iapos;m pretty much free and easy until midterms after that, plus the papers are going much faster than I expected.


Quote of the day:

"Read in order to live..." -- Henry Fielding


cat hair poofy, cat hair problem, cat hair problems, cat hair product walk.

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